Please share this with everyone, and send to Facebook, etc.
2:10 AM last night
210 = Countdown to the Infinite
0 = Hollow and Empty (the practice he did in the Art of Living Course (AOL) in July)
He's there. He's here.
So many messages and signs (more signs to share later) - now there's no doubt he's here.
Jason - what do we need to know about the infinite?
"Nothing - Just Be It. If you try to know it, you lose the connection. We are limitless, but we limit ourselves with our minds. I really got that when I did 5 days of silence."
Jason wants me to talk to the grief counselor at school to connect with with AOL youth programs, drum circle leaders Jon and Ukumbwa (the circle at the reception was powerful for all ages), healers such as Patrick, Linda, Bobbie, and other local healers who know Jason well. I will ask to set up an AOL YES (Youth Empowerment Seminar) course soon, using scholarships from the donations. We need lots of donations; we haven't received much yet - please spread the word to send checks to Art of Living (message field: youth programs) to me at P.O. Box 304, Ipswich, MA 01938.
Jason wants schools to help kids see how special they are, each and every one, no fucking exceptions. Why is anyone ever excluded from that? Parents can't always see it because they get caught up in their dramas about how their kids should be or how fucked up their childhood was or how fucked up parents they are - too much stuff in the way. [Jason paused to say "I was really lucky to have parents who really saw how special I am and they did their spiritual work so their stuff didn't get in the way of that.”] Kids often find out how special they are from their friends and the community - from the diversity to accept the diversity. The Ipswich school system was great for Jason, the community supports the artist as well as the scholar and the jock to flourish in who they are.
This is how the planet will be healed; Jason always wanted to heal the planet (I found essays he wrote as a child about this as I was gathering his things.) Jason saw the special nature of each person, and connected with it. He knew how to be present with his friends, in the moment, not in his head, guided by his heart, and willing to laugh and cry, perhaps at the same time (like we are doing now, happy with the memories and sad to lose him on this physical plane.)
"So here's the secret. Don't think of yourself as a limited being. Just be the infinite Being that you are. If you have any doubt about that, just remember how strongly my mom (and others close to me who believe this) feels me and my infinite presence. Remember that the nervous system (our mind) can't process all of that easily so we assume it's not there. Never assume! I never assumed someone wasn't special - I stopped to be with anyone who wanted to see how special I am. I wasn't interested in connecting much with people who didn't see how special I am. Nothing personal, it was just a waste of my energy - I wanted to give as much as I could in this lifetime. I must have known I wasn't going to live a long life, because I was so intense about doing music and photography, to leave a lot of me behind for others to be with, to feel me there, to remember this message."
I've received stories from many people - Jason's friends, my friends, and people who heard Jason's story and were deeply touched, that they are inspired now to be the best person they could possibly be, and therefore they are seeing their specialness more. Jason is so excited to see this happening and hopes his death creates healing that is limitless. He wants people to spread his messages, not because he needed to be famous (although he did want his photography to be well known, and he did this through , and he did want to sell his CDs), but because people will heal by receiving them.
Jason's message will be received by many through his art and music, energetically. He didn't need to go to college (he wondered why it was necessary) to refine his art, because it was the energy of it that was important. The admissions officer at San Francisco Art Institute we visited recently (Claire, who he really liked, I never saw Jason more interested in school during the tour of the photo labs and art studios) asked him why he was attracted to his photography (to write his artist statement for his college application), and he couldn't explain it right away. She helped him to clarify it a bit - the dream-like nature of his art.
"It is in dreams (not limited by the mind) that we grasp the infinite."
Jason wants everyone to pass this on through email, Facebook, and tell people about his website that is being updated in tribute to Jason by his dear friend Ben Sheppard (Noah's dad), who taught Jason how to build his website 5 years ago (and has not been updated for a few years so Jason wanted people to go right to which is current).
Please send contributions to Jason's memorial website to
Jason wants us to make music videos with his photography and music and sell it to support AOL Yes and similar programs dedicated to personal growth. This is especially important for young people - they are the ones who will get the energy of this the greatest, and create the future this world needs. I knew Jason's work was special, but I didn't grasp the full healing power of it until now. Jason has many writings that capture this energy. They have been scattered about his studio in notebooks and scraps of paper. We will have these typed up to share on his website. The words may seem cryptic due to his abstract style, but no doubt have messages that will be clearly received by so many.
I went to the bookcase to see what might be there from Jason (not expected since these are my books). A small pamphlet of Peace Poetry from 2007 from North Shore Veterans For Peace was there, a tribute to Samantha Smith, a 10-year old girl who wrote a letter to the political leaders of the Soviet Union questioning "Why do you want to make war on us?" and she accepted the invitation from the soviet Premier to visit the USSR, becoming our youngest ambassador of good will. She proved the power of one, that "one person can make a difference" and that children should be heard, listened to, and nurtured so that a peaceable world, a culture of peace and peace between nations can be developed and maintained.
Jason gave me this book to secure his message today.
I also picked up a journal I had started in 2001 about Jason. The first page reads:
“Jason knows who he is and what he wants and doesn’t want. He has access to deep wisdom and has the purity of wildflowers. All of the “challenges” he presented to us as a child are easily explained by all this – he is an Indigo child. I am blessed to have him in my life, as my son, my friend, my student, and my teacher. He is here to bring light to the world and it is my honor and commitment to guide him (or help to confirm his own clear guidance) in his growing years to manifest who he is.”
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