How often have we been told that imagination is the opposite of reality?
Let’s try this one on:
Imagination creates reality.
Gazing into the clouds today, I searched for angels and images of Jason’s energy and found them. What an imagination! And it felt good, too.
Our beliefs create our reality; I’ve been studying this for some time, and last year with advanced courses with Avatar. We choose our beliefs, and therefore we choose the reality we want to create from an infinite set of possibilities.
This is what I got today:
When we imagine, we choose what filters we want to use to tune in to the energy (consciousness) that manifests the reality we want.
We can imagine things that feel good, or we can imagine things that don’t feel good (we do that all the time, don’t we?).
I could imagine how devastating and unfair it is to lose a child, but I choose not to do this.
I choose to imagine the beauty that Jason has added to my world. That beauty is in my reality.
I choose to imagine how I experience Jason’s presence, so I don’t feel a loss at some level.
I choose to imagine that sadness can be beautiful and not suffering.
Our feelings act as magnets to seek and magnify the energy we want to manifest – that’s the Law of Attraction, to use the Abraham-Hicks phrase.
I also like the idea of “fake it until you make it.”
I can imagine what I want to have happen and it will manifest. In order to do this I have to believe it can really happen.
It’s also so important to feel what we feel, and without judgment.
It’s a human experience, a feeling. I try not to get caught up in stories about what the feeling means. It’s a continuous course!
Sadness is sadness. It’s only bad if we believe it is.
I’m fully feeling the sadness. The more I do the more I realize it’s not bad at all.
As human beings we believe that certain experiences are horrible, such as death. Maybe energetic beings from another plane would see becoming a human as something horrible. It’s all what we decide it is, that’s all.
I’m guessing some people won’t understand that I am not devastated by Jason’s death. They might think I’m delusional or protecting myself from a traumatic experience. I imagine that others will be interested in seeing things a different way, to create a preferred reality for themselves.
I was in a rough place today feeling guilty that I might not have done enough for Jason in life. They say it is “normal” to feel guilt, and parents feel enough of this when their kids are alive! I had an Avatar friend lead me through an exercise to shift out of that unnecessary suffering so I can experience the pure sadness that’s not attached to some story, just to my love for Jason. That was freeing. I will continue to choose to not get into places of unnecessary suffering; Jason doesn’t want me to experience that. He wants me to feel free and as limitless as I possibly can. If I ever slip, I will remember to come out of it out of gratitude for Jason.
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